As a neurofeedback therapist, I have conversations everyday about ADHD with clients reporting how ADHD affects adults and children alike. Clients report the struggles of a life with ADHD and when clients come to me with symptoms including aggressive behaviors, fidgeting, hyperactivity, difficulty focusing, anxiety or a short attention span, the reality is they may be suffering because they do not want to be on medication for a lifetime due to a diagnosis of ADHD. In addition, those using medication to manage these and other symptoms including learning disabilities, problems paying attention, short attention spans, boredom, mood swings and lack of restraint and impulsivity can experience side effects from the medication including a zombie like effect that presents as flat. Some even experience increased irritability or moodiness as a common side effect.
So, what are the options?
Generally, the three main options to treat ADHD are
- Medication
- Behavioral Therapy, and
- Neurofeedback
As a neurofeedback therapist, I have already shared the client reports of the side effects and concerns related to medication.
So, what about behavioral therapy?
As a licensed professional counselor and a certified neurofeedback therapist, I know first-hand the challenges of behavioral therapy as it relates to improvements for individuals diagnosed with ADHD are mixed. For example, the author of the article Behavioral Therapy for ADHD: A Pragmatic Parent’s Guide recognizes “When ADHD is present, the most basic strategies can be a huge challenge to implement on a day-to-day basis.” In addition, these behavior changes are best accomplished one goal at a time. Another reality with behavioral therapy is the improvement may or may not transfer from one setting to another. For example, a parent may work with a child to stop interrupting them when they are on the phone by establishing a parameter or goal, giving praise with the desired behavior is exhibited and a reward when the goal is achieved repeatedly. However, this improvement may not extend to another setting such as not interrupting the teacher or another student at school. So yes, behavioral therapy has its place in helping those with ADHD. However, it is most effective when coupled with other modalities including medication. This can be a tall order. That is why I pursued certification as a neurofeedback therapist.
So, what about neurofeedback?
As a neurofeedback therapist I provide IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback. IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback is a fine-tuned, gentle neurofeedback system based on the principal of hormesis. Hormesis is the principal of mild stress and its positive influence on the maintenance and promotion of health. IASIS is a further development of traditional neurofeedback and provides a pathway promoting dis-entrainment of the brain rather than retraining the brain as is the process in traditional neurofeedback.
Traditional neurofeedback can take up to 40 sessions to retrain the brain by transmitting brainwave data to the device. The client then engages in management of the events on the screen with each session lasting up to 45 minutes. The approach I take as a neurofeedback therapist using IASIS MC Neurofeedback is an approach that disentrains the brain, resulting in a quicker report of improvement from the client versus traditional neurofeedback as the number of sessions required are generally from 12-20. As the neurofeedback therapist, I am active in the session, and the session is passive with the client sitting while the clinician connects the electrodes and manages the IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback device. The client does not feel anything during the session but after the session and with improvements over time, the clients report improved regulation of the brain and nervous system. Research shows 85% of clients who engage in IASIS MC neurofeedback report positive improvements within one to three session. In addition, the clients’ report sustained and lasting improvements.
IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback clients report a deeper sense of tranquility and peacefulness, and a general sense of mental wellness. This sense is reports by children and adults.
I would love to hear from you. I offer free 15-minute consultations to answer any questions you may have about IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback. I can be reached by text or voice at 832.819.1708 or via email